3 min readFeb 13, 2021


How to buy Bitcoin in Canada in 2021?


how to buy Bitcoin in Canada. If you live in Canada, and you want to buy your first Bitcoin, the process can be divided roughly into 3 simple steps:

Get a Bitcoin wallet, locate your Bitcoin address and buy your Bitcoins.

Bitcoin wallets are programs that allow you to send and receive Bitcoins through your computer or mobile device. Wallets aren’t usually restricted by what country you’re from. If you’re buying a small amount of Bitcoin we recommend using a free software wallet like Exodus or Electrum.

But if youre planning on accumulating large amounts of Bitcoin it would be better to invest some money in a hardware wallet. Hardware wallets are small devices that store your Bitcoins offline away from the reach of hackers. The two leading brands of hardware wallets today are TREZOR and Ledger. Once you have your wallet, make sure to find your Bitcoin address.

A Bitcoin address is what you give out when you want someone to send you Bitcoin. It’s a long string of letters and numbers that starts with either a “1” or a “3”.Finally, it’s time to get some Bitcoins. There are several ways you can go about this. The first and simplest option would be to use a broker, a company that will sell you Bitcoin directly for a fee. Brokers that operate in Canada include Coinbase, Gemini and Coinmama. If you want to save a bit on fees you can use a trading platform instead of a broker.

